An American couple, Wren and Arthur, are relocated to London. As Arthur becomes immersed in his new corporate lifestyle, the previously outgoing Wren retreats into an agoraphobic state, frozen by her fear until she is visited by a demon baby in the form of a garden gnome. This impish gnome inspires Wren to try to connect in her new surroundings, even if her attempts -- a seduction, a dinner party, and a near-fatal game of pinata -- are bizarre and deeply misguided. Demon Baby is a comic and surreal exploration of alienation, culture shock, and the meaning of identity.
- Comedy/Drama
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- 70 - 80 minutes
- 3 W, 3 M, 1 Any (7 actors possible: 3-4 W, 3-4 M)
Content Notes: Some mild adult language
Set: Unit set