Over a beer, two post-college buddies jab and joke as they discuss the one thing that comes between them -- a girl.
- Comedy
- |
- 10 - 15 minutes
- 2 M,
Content Notes: Adult language
Set: Minimal -- two nearly-full pint glasses.
Over a beer, two post-college buddies jab and joke as they discuss the one thing that comes between them -- a girl.
FEB 05, 2010 - FEB 05, 2010
Phillips Academy
Andover, MA United States |
Phillips Academy | Andover, MA United States |
SEP 01, 2004 - OCT 31, 2004
American Theatre of Actors (part of an equity showcase)
New York, NY United States |
American Theatre of Actors (part of an equity showcase) | New York, NY United States |
No upcoming productions. |
No professional productions. |