After surviving a shooting in their high school, four writers get together to try to write a piece that will inspire change in the nation's gun legislation.
- Drama
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- 10 - 15 minutes
- 3 W, 1 M,
Set: A high school English classroom
After surviving a shooting in their high school, four writers get together to try to write a piece that will inspire change in the nation's gun legislation.
DEC 14, 2024 - DEC 15, 2024
Madison West High School
Madison, WI United States |
Madison West High School | Madison, WI United States |
APR 20, 2022 - APR 20, 2022
#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence
New York, NY United States |
#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence | New York, NY United States |
No upcoming productions. |
No professional productions. |