Crazy parties, high-end fashion, glamorous homes, fame. Through his social media feed, high schooler Jason Carraway watches it all and wants it all. But it’s not until Jason and his sister Nick are enrolled in the exclusive Dalton Prep that Jason has a chance to see the world of the elite up close. Suddenly, all of Jason’s wildest dreams are within his reach—if his long-standing crush on It Girl Daisy Fay doesn’t ruin everything. Using F. Scott Fitzgerald’s masterful classic novel as a springboard, Just Great is a biting look at social media, authenticity, and the ways we try to find self-worth in the modern world.
- Drama
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- 60 - 70 minutes
- 9 W, 3 M, 2 Any (14-30 actors possible: 9-25 W, 3-15 M)
Set: Flexible.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-68069-939-5