Faced with proof of his infidelity, Barbara is trying to convince herself to leave Arthur, her husband of thirty years. Meanwhile, back at the bar, a pathetic loser named Lee confesses to marrying and cheating on the same woman three times, and tries to elicit similar confessions from everyone else. "Love is loss," he complains. "Family is pain. Marriage is loneliness. We've all been lied to." In Act I, we wonder who he is, why he says such awful things, and why he always seems to be around when marriages are foundering. In Act II, we find out.
- Drama
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- 110 - 125 minutes
- 3 W, 4 M,
Content Notes: Adult language and content
Set: Various urban locations minimally suggested: a bar, a restaurant table, a bedroom, a burger joint, a living room, a sidewalk, etc.