Two men seek Fred. Is one of them Fred? Is Fred dead? Why does one of them have a phallic rock? Is manhood a myth?
- Drama/Comedy
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- 60 - 75 minutes
- 2 M,
Content Notes: Adult language and content
Set: A space
Two men seek Fred. Is one of them Fred? Is Fred dead? Why does one of them have a phallic rock? Is manhood a myth?
APR 03, 2008 - APR 12, 2008
Passion of the Play Productions
New York, NY United States |
Passion of the Play Productions | New York, NY United States |
JAN 01, 1998 - DEC 31, 1998
Soho Rep
New York, NY United States |
Soho Rep | New York, NY United States |
JAN 01, 1998 - DEC 31, 1998
The Loring
Minneapolis, MN United States |
The Loring | Minneapolis, MN United States |
JAN 01, 1997 - DEC 31, 1997
78th St. Theater Lab
New York, NY United States |
78th St. Theater Lab | New York, NY United States |
No upcoming productions. |
No professional productions. |