When a hard-working group of vaudeville performers learns that their theater is replacing their acts with motion pictures, they do what any down-and-out troupe would do in their situation: concoct a magic trick to make visiting silent film star Charlie Chaplin disappear on stage! Alternating between backstage antics and the final onstage performances of the various acts, this farce is a rollicking look back at a bygone art form and a poignant message about dealing with change.
NOTE: A portion of the proceeds from this play go to the Charlie Lovett Fund for Elementary Drama, a philanthropic fund that supports production-based theatre arts programs at the elementary school level. For more information and a grant application visit www.lovettfoundation.org.
- Comedy
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- 65 - 75 minutes
- 9 W, 10 M, 7 Any (22-26 actors possible: 5-16 W, 5-19 M)
Set: Suggested locations are a vaudeville stage and backstage area.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-207-9