Pirate Captain Jack "Shortfuse" Composure thinks he's gotten the best of a sassy mermaid when she offers him a fortune in exchange for his soul and he gives her an empty canteen instead. But the joke may be on the Captain when his soul turns up in the hands of the dastardly Le Mew and his easily offended group of French sailors. Composure must decide whether to save his treasure and his own motley crew, or risk his life to keep his soul. Loosely based on Thornton Wilder's playlet Leviathan, this short play brings hilarity to the high seas!
- Comedy
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- 30 - 40 minutes
- 3 W, 5 M, 7 Any (11-15 actors possible: 2-12 W, 3-13 M)
Set: Suggested locations include a ship, an ocean, and an island.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-428-8