Evelyn Biddle Carver is a status-obsessed real estate agent giving a party for the Fourth of July. While her husband Graham drinks and makes pleasantries, and a British nanny deals with unruly twins offstage, Evelyn waits breathlessly for the arrival of her new neighbor, Oscar-winning actor Lance McCambridge. When it turns out that Lance is out of town, and "only" his wife can make it, Evelyn tries to make do with the celebrity of her other guest, the black author Jonathan Alexander and his white lover Benjamin -- but his blackness and gayness are maybe not her favorite thing. And it is hard to face life, and a party, when you were expecting to be seen with a movie star.
- Comedy
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- 30 - 40 minutes
- 2 W, 3 M,
Set: Very tasteful, lovely room; can be done with simple furniture.