How far can you go with ambition, gumption, a good heart -- and no talent? The Cherry Sisters' dreams of Vaudeville took them from their Iowa barn to Broadway, where their inept acrobatics and tone-deaf caterwauling continually sold out, bringing them fame -- and a barrage of rotten cabbages. Based on a true story and with music by Michael Friedman, Dan O'Brien's thought-provoking comedy takes a look at the insatiable urge to perform, and the audience's inability to look away.
- Musical
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- 115 - 125 minutes
- 5 W, 1 M,
Content Notes: Some mild adult language.
Set: Various. The stage is fluid but in its foundation looks like the husk of an old, decrepit barn in Iowa, a wintry landscape outside.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-482-0