A video of Iraqi insurgents beheading Jack Lewis has just been released over the Internet. Back home in Idaho, his fundamentalist Christian family is trying to grieve while fending off the media. Jack's widow Karen decides to seek answers at the holiest place she knows: the Precious Moments Chapel in Carthage, Missouri. Along for the ride are Jack's father and his brother Bib, dealing with his own mounting spiritual crisis. With the help of a teardrop-eyed angel and a carnie named Chuck, the Lewis family struggles to understand what exactly they've lost.
- Black Comedy
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- 90 - 100 minutes
- 1 W, 3 M, 1 Any (5 actors possible: 1-2 W, 3-4 M)
Content Notes: Adult language and content.
Set: Minimal.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-500-1