Lost noses, stolen overcoats, and ghosts as bitter as a Russian winter come together in Gogol's St. Petersbug Stories, an adaptation of the works of Nikolai Gogol. The first story, The Overcoat, begins when a poor newspaper clerk makes over his mediocre life by splurging on a new coat, only to have it stolen. Meanwhile, in the same bleak world, a bureaucrat awakens one day to find his nose gone, only to mysteriously find it again in The Nose. These overlapping tales of wit join two men as they discover the absurdity and despair of uncontrollable circumstances.
- Tragicomedies
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- 60 - 70 minutes
- 6 W, 6 M, 4 Any (16-23 actors possible: 6-17 W, 6-17 M)
Content Notes: Mild adult language
Set: Minimal.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-518-6