Brothers Sganarelle and Ariste are entrusted with the upbringing of two orphaned sisters in this fast and funny Moliere adaptation. While Ariste lets his ward, Leonor, have total freedom, Sganarelle keeps his Isabelle locked up in preparation for the marriage he is planning. Still, Isabelle falls in love with Valere, a man she sees passing below her balcony. Through intrepid plotting, Isabelle passes messages to her intended through the unwitting Sganarelle, even dressing up as her loose-behaving sister to trick Sganarelle into supporting her marriage to Valere.
- Comedy
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- 35 - 50 minutes
- 3 W, 6 M, (9 actors possible: 3-5 W, 4-6 M)
Set: A street scene featuring the facades of four homes.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-561-2