A new crop of American thespians are eager to start L.A.V.A.'s Summer Drama Program in the remote English moors -- so much so that no one seems to care that the classes are only after midnight, there are wolves constantly howling in the distance, and their guide is a zombie. Not to mention that all their teachers are strangely pale and insistent that the first production of the season is "Dracula." Maybe Jenn, with the help of fellow student Katherine Helsing, can get to the bottom of what is going on behind the scenes at this lunatic drama school.
- Comedy/Drama
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- 45 - 55 minutes
- 12 W, 4 M, (16-22 actors possible: 12-15 W, 4-7 M)
Set: Bare stage.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-644-2