Harpagon loves nothing so much as his money, not even his own children. So, even though both his son and daughter have fallen in love with young, vital partners, Harpagon attempts to engage them to a rich widow and widower in their declining years. Making matters worse, Harpagon wants to marry his son's lover himself, his only regret being she has very little money as a dowry. This rhymed-verse adaptation of Moliere's classic comedy explores the fine line between money and love and the consequences of valuing the former over the latter. (A full-length version of this play is also available.)
- Comedy
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- 38 - 45 minutes
- 4 W, 10 M, (11-14 actors possible: 3-8 W, 5-10 M)
Set: The home of Harpagon, interior or exterior.
- Standard Edition ISBN: 978-1-62384-317-5