An over-the-top jazz poem erupts inside the mind of Jack Booker, an African-American writer in the middle of a nervous meltdown. His wife Brenda is twenty years pregnant with his dreams and his insanity, and is beginning to wonder if the baby will ever drop. Jack imagines he is the late great jazz percussionist Willie Bobo, accompanied and possessed by a wild, shifting rhythm. His expectant wife, his demanding father, and his seductive white mistress join in the relentless drumming, as the violence, physical comedy, and verbal high jinks build to a devastating climax.
- Tragicomedy
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- 70 - 90 minutes
- 2 W, 2 M, 1 Any (5 actors possible: 2-3 W, 2-3 M)
Content Notes: Adult language, mature themes
Set: Unit set with a desk and typewriter, a kitchen with pots and pans, a pitcher's mound, and a set of drums