After witnessing the brutal death of his fellow teeth at the hands of the Duke of Decay and his Tartar Horde, Timmy the Tooth engages in a quest for truth and inner jaw justice. Guided by the Teeth of Wisdom and his new friends, Brushus Dentis and Flossie, Timmy takes on Soda Pop, Pop Corn (and his husky children), the henchman Maloclusion, Queen Sucrina, and inevitably, Lord Plaquetor. Armed with the sword Excalcium, our innocent and unlikely hero fights on behalf of teeth everywhere.
- Comedy
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- 45 - 60 minutes
- 6 W, 10 M, 7 Any (19-37 actors possible: 5-25 W, 10-30 M)
Set: Flexible -- either a bare stage, or an elaborate set resembling the inside of a mouth may work.