Michael Griffo. Michael Griffo's plays include: No More Sundays (produced by The Attic Ensemble, May 2001), which received the New Jersey Perry Award for Best Original Play; Pen Pals (produced by Playwrights Premiere Theatre, Mobjack, Virginia, May 2004); 9th Street Water (produced by Baby Monkey Productions, Altered Stages, New York, May 2004), which had a staged reading produced by North American Actors Association in London, August 2006; Syzygy, a gay-themed comedy/drama that was published online in Summer 2006 issue of LodestarQuarterly.com; Two/Pieces (workshop of Two produced by Theater Artists' Coop of New York, Connelly Theatre, May 2005), two one-act plays thematically linked, which was a finalist in the Brevard Little Theatre New Play Competition in North Carolina and received its World Premiere at the Barnstormers Theatre in Tamworth, New Hampshire in October 2006; Cloudy, a short play that was the winner of FusionWorks' 3rd Annual Mini-Fest, Emerging Artists Theatre Short Play Festival in 2005, Playwrights' Circle 2005 National Short Play Festival in Palm Springs, California, and a Nominee for the 2005 Desert Stars One Act Play Awards, Columbus Ohio 2005 Fringe Festival, Offstage Theatre's Bedroom Plays Series in Charlottesville, Virginia, 10-Minute Play Festival at the HeartlandTheatre Company in Normal, Illinois in 2005, and was published in Smith & Kraus's 2005: The Best Ten-Minute Plays, 2 Actors; and 5G/10B, a short play published in Smith & Kraus's 2005: The Best Ten-Minute Plays, 2 Actors and winner of the American Globe Theatre's 15 Minute Play Festival in 2005 in New York, Ten by Ten Play Festival, The ArtsCenter in Carrboro, North Carolina, New Gate Theatre in Providence, Rhode Island, and Playwrights' Circle 2007 National Short Play Festival in Palm Springs, California.
He has also written screenplays that include: Uncle Mike, a comedy; Guardian Angel, teen horror film; B-9, an urban female-buddy comedy;Gaydar, a comedy; and Weak, a psychological thriller. Mr. Griffo's first novel, Between Boyfriends, will be published by Kensington Publishing in June 2010. Other novels include Hold Back the Night and Pen Pals.
He graduated from New York University magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, and studied playwriting and screenwriting at Playwrights Horizons, Gotham Writers Workshop, and the New School. Mr. Griffo was recently commissioned to write a new play for Virginia Premiere Theatre for the 2010 season, and he was chosen by Insight For Playwrights magazine (WritersInsight.com), as one of six new playwrights whose career will be tracked until 2010.