Larry Loebell. Mr. Loebell's short plays include Angie and Arnie Sanguine, Edward and Ellie Supine, Prayers, The Lion Eats His Lunch, But Who's Counting, Emma Goldman Imagines the Millennium, and Just Before the War Between the Plates. His full-length plays include The Dostoyevsky Man; Pride of the Lion; Memorial Day; The Ballad of John Wesley Reed, which was recently premiered by Theatre Catalyst in Philadelphia; Girl Science, a featured play at the first Earth Matters on Stage Festival in Arcata, California; and La Tempestad, recently produced at the Ohio Theater in New York City. La Tempestad is also anthologized in Playing with Canons: Explosive New Works from Literature by America's Indie Playwrights.
Mr. Loebell is a four-time recipient of the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Playwriting Fellowship, and a 2006 recipient of a new play commission from the National Foundation for Jewish Culture. He has written a play for high school students called Living News which is performed during the school year at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. Larry is a member of the Dramatists Guild, Inc., Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) and, in addition to writing and teaching playwriting and dramaturgy at Arcadia University, he works as a free-lance dramaturg.