Sean Abley is one of the founding members of the Factory Theater in Chicago. While there, he adapted the films Corpse Grinders, Reefer Madness, and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians for the stage, and wrote the original plays Bitches, Attack of the Killer Bs, and Nuclear Family. He also contributed to the ensemble-created works Hooray!, Second City Didn't Want Us..., and P, a comedy adaptation of the "P" volume of the encyclopedia.
Commissioned and published works include the new musicals Welcome to the Afterlife! and Horror High: The Musical, and The Adventures of Rose Red (Snow White's Less-Famous Sister), Dr. Frankincense and the Christmas Monster, Bad Substitute, We Wish You a Marry Spendmas!, Historically Bad First Dates, Two-Faced: a Tragedy...Sort Of, Camp Killspree, Confessions of a Male Pin-up, The RISE of the House of Usher, Dracula's Daughters: A Family Comedy, Horror High, Elevator Games, and Double Trouble on the Prairie. He contributed to the collections Exposed! Eight 10-Minute Tales About What Really Happened! and What Would Happen If...? Six 10-Minute Tales of Improbability. His scripts are available through Playscripts, Brooklyn Publishers, Eldridge Plays and Musicals, and Next Stage Press. He recently launched Plays To Order (www.playstoorder.com), a service to create new plays for high school and community groups based on their specific needs -- cast size, themes, length, etc.
As a screenwriter for both TV and film, Mr. Abley has written for the shows So Weird (Disney Channel), Sabrina the Animated Series (ABC), Digimon and Mega Babies (both Fox Family) as well as several pilots including Bench Pressly, the World's Strongest Private Dick starring Bruce Campbell and Tim Curry. His produced screenplays include Rope Burn, Socket, and all the video material for Rip Torn in the Men In Black: Alien Attack park attraction at Universal Studios, Florida.