Jonathan Denn. Mr. Denn's first play, Holier Ground, received an informal reading at the Yale Drama School, was in the Strawberry One-Act Play Festival, was given a staged reading at TADA!, as a winner of its 14th Annual One-Act Play Competition, and went on to be chosen for their Best of Reading Series 1991-2006.
Mr. Denn has written two other unproduced full-length plays: Ununwell, "A physically handicapped researcher and her phobia-riddled boss discover a drug that cures way more than the common cold." And, Equal Threat, "A State is offered an immense annual grant, from the estate of the world's first trillionaire, to adopt a new-and-improved Bill of Rights. Eventually, the new Governor is torn between the state of the union and the state of his family."
Mr. Denn's newest work is a "life play." He started out to write a dramatic play about the Millennium Development Goals and integrity, but it became clear that this would be much better nonfiction. See countingprayers.org, billionprayermarch.org, and millenniumcongregation.org.