Peter Papadopoulos. The plays of Peter Papadopoulos have been produced and published in the United States, Australia, and China. The works are part of a movement known as "Mojo Theatre," which blends strong socio-political themes, expressionism, absurdism, and epic staging into a thought-provoking theatricality that aims to merge the raw power of Oedipus Rex with the raucous wit of Saturday Night Live.
His short experimental play In the Cool Cool Cool was published in the performance journal Karawane in 2007 and the play was recently named a finalist for the Actors Theatre of Louisville's Heideman Award. The play is also scheduled to appear shortly in a collection of American plays to be published in China. Last Love, part one of his Mojo Love Trilogy, recently ran at the Totem Theatre in Alice Springs, Australia. The play is published with Playscripts, Inc. and in Algonquin Plays, Volume One.
Part two of the trilogy, Lost Love, was named a finalist in the Northern Kentucky University YES New Play Festival, the Seven Devils Playwrights Conference, the Bloody Unicorn Queer Women's Play Festival, and the Kitchen Dog Theatre New Works Festival. The play was produced in Nov-Dec of 2007 at Hypatia Theatre in Chicago and Bedlam Theatre in Minneapolis.
Mr. Papadopoulos has an M.F.A. in Theatre from Trinity Repertory/Rhode Island College. He currently teaches playwriting and acting at Indiana State University where he founded the Midwest High School Playwriting Competition to encourage students to write more plays.