Angela Blount earned her MA in theatre from Miami University, and received additional training at the Yale School of Drama for directing. She began her theatrical career as Creative Dramatist and Playwright-in-Residence at Creative Theatre in Princeton, New Jersey. While there she was commissioned to write Freedom's Journey for the New Jersey State Museum and My Secret Invention for Rhone Poulenc's centennial. Freedom's Journey was added to Creative Theatre's season and toured New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania for two seasons. Ms. Blount also served as an artist-in-residence for the New Jersey State Council of the Arts and worked in the Newark Public Schools. She then transferred to the South Brunswick School District in Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, where she served as an Arts Specialist for the K-6 after-school program. She continued her work at South Brunswick High School, where she directed the Reality Theatre Troupe and taught in the Project Promise program for at-risk youth. In addition, she served as the Playwright and Director for Corner House of Princeton's Prevention Education program.
Ms. Blount then accepted a position at Orange Middle and High Schools in New Jersey, where she created, developed, and implemented the district's first theatre program. In addition to her work commitments, she has been active throughout the years in her church's drama ministries, where she has written, directed, and performed numerous sketches and plays. Ms. Blount is currently the Theatre Magnet Director at Stivers School for the Arts in Dayton, Ohio.