Lisa Rand was selected as a finalist for the 2001 International Thespian Festival Playworks program and the 2002 Blank Theatre Company Young Playwrights Festival, both with her first play, Reservations. She was also a finalist in the First Annual Barnard Short Playwriting Festival with her 10-minute play On Edge. Her short plays Run for Your Life, High Tide, and No were selected as Heideman Award finalists in 2006, 2008, and 2014, respectively, in the Actors Theatre of Louisville National Ten-Minute Play Contest. Rand graduated from Barnard College in New York City, where she studied English literature, creative writing, and astronomy, a combination with which she has had great success writing short, audience-participatory plays about SETI extraterrestrial contact protocol. After working for four years in science textbook editing, she moved to Philadelphia to pursue a doctorate in history of science.