Cathy Caplan. Cathy Caplan's plays include Lapis Blue Blood Red, about the 17th-century painter Artemisia Gentileschi, and Silver Nitrate, which recreates photographs from 1930s Berlin. She received a new play commission from the New York State Council on the Arts and the National Foundation for Jewish Culture for Silver Nitrate. She co-authored hair, blood, vinyl with Rinde Eckert and the Juggernaut Theatre Company for the 1997 New York International Fringe Festival. Ms. Caplan has also explored alternate narrative structures in dramatic scripts for Grahame Weinbren's interactive cinema installations Sonata and March. She was a Juilliard playwriting fellow from 1992 to 1993, a Mabou Mines/Suite artist-in-residence in 2000, and one of the three-member team that co-directed and edited the Academy Award-winning documentary film American Dream, produced by Barbara Kopple. She lives in New York City with her husband and two sons.