Kathryn Funkhouser's plays Careless People: A Great Gatsby, Double Double, Unbreakable Timmy Cratchit, Do You Read Me?, Weekend Warriors, and Badger Poison are published by Playscripts and have received over 200 productions. Other produced plays include Bootstraps, Help Who's Next, The Bargain, Jump Scare, Accessories, Alternative Facts, We're Not So Different, You and I, The Sequel, The Pitch, and Ghost Story (Oxnam Award, EST and Drew University). Her articles and essays have appeared in publications such as The Toast, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, The Atlantic, and The Nation. BA Drew University. Member of Athena Writes (2018) and Project Y Theater Writer's Group (2018-2019). She lives in Brooklyn with a lot of original cast albums. kathrynfunkhouser.com