Kimberly Lew is a Hawaii native and graduate of NYU. She is a published playwright with one-acts titled Last Night in London and Retail Rage or How I Spent My Summer Vacation available for licensing with Playscripts, Inc. She also co-wrote (with Gabriella Miyares) the comedy/drama Searching for Candi which received its world premiere with Project: Theatre at Mt. Holyoke College in April 2011. Her short play, Getting to Know [You and Me], was a finalist for the 2011 Heideman Award, and her full-length play Other People's Children was a Semi-Finalist for the O'Neill Playwrights Conference and featured in The Beautiful Soup Theater Collective's new works reading series. Her blog, Emerging Musical Theatre, follows up-and-coming writers in the musical theatre community. She is also a contributor on Ryan Scott Oliver's Crazytown blog.