Stephen Gregg. Stephen Gregg's play, This is a Test, helped define a genre of one-acts when it appeared in 1988, and it continues to be one of the most-produced one-acts in the country. Since then, he has published over twenty plays for secondary schools to perform, including Small Actors, One Lane Bridge, The New Margo, S.P.A.R., Twitch, Wake-Up Call and Crush. The premiere of Gregg's play Trap was the closing night production of the 2019 Thespian Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska. In the summer of 2019 he was a MacDowell Colony artist-in-residence.
He's a member of the Writer's Guild, West, the Dramatists Guild and LabTwenty6 Writers group. He lives with his husband Todd in Venice Beach, CA. Gregg teaches himself to write plays, one tweet at a time. Follow him on Twitter @playwrightnow.